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Foster Application

Thank you for committing to United Doberman Rescues foster care program! Please answer all questions. The next step is a home visit to help us determine which foster dog would be the best fit in your home, answer any questions and share our knowledge of UDR's rescue program. We will be in touch soon. If you do not hear back within 48 hours, please email us at Thank you- We cannot do what we do with out people committed to helping by fostering! Thank you so much for helping to change a dog's life. 

Please sign up for our monthly newsletter at the bottom of our website and go to our Facebook page and LIKE us. United Doberman Rescue and Canine Castaways of Minnesota.

Thank you and happy fostering!!!

Contact Information






Foster Application Additional Information










PO Box 984 •  Buffalo, MN 55313 - 8522  •  (612) 405-8522 •  support [ at ]